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May 16, 2016

Combating money laundering and terrorist financing

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has just published its latest recommendations for combating money laundering and terrorist financing. These guidelines are used by over 180 different governments worldwide to shape the financial regulations they put in place to combat misuse of the financial industry.

Some of the key changes will have a definite impact on the way that people do business in the future and it is vital that companies understand the latest regulations regarding anti money laundering (AML) and counter terrorist financing (CTF) to ensure that they remain compliant and competitive in today’s already challenging market. The changes will see a more fully integrated system for controlling both AML and CTF and offer further flexibility in a risk based approach; thus allowing companies to concentrate their efforts on high risk business.

Contact QGen today for further information on how we can help your business adapt to the new due diligence recommendations and stay ahead of the competition by adapting quickly and efficiently.

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