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Know Your Business (KYB) Verification

Streamline your business verification processes

Simplify KYB verification with customisable actions and database comparisons.

Talk to our experts

KYB Checks That Comply
With Global Regulations

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KYB verification services to learn a company's or client's history in a few steps.

Knowing an organisation's ownership structure enables you to make risk-based decisions about whom to work with. Outsource your KYB workload to ArriTech to stay compliant in a world of shifting regulations. We eliminate risks by running KYB checks, AML watchlist and registry screening, UBO verification, and company structure checks.

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Achieve global Business compliance and onboard clients everywhere.

With ArriTech's KYB solutions, it is possible to access up-to-date data from independent data sources, including government registries, credit data, and public records. You can onboard businesses from any country and achieve reliable and standardised verification that complies with the regulations of every jurisdiction worldwide.

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Reduce costs by simplifying your operations and use a single provider.

With ArriTech, you can avoid using multiple providers and dedicated teams. Instead, you can delegate your entire KYB process to us. ArriTech can offer both automatic and manual KYB verification. When reviewing KYB documents, human intervention is regularly needed to handle unstructured documents. Geographical regulatory specificities and languages add another dimension of complexity. One KYB provider instead of multiple will reduce costs.

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Protect your business
reduce risks and avoid penalties.

Non-compliance with KYB regulations increases the risk of money laundering, fraud, suspensions, and sanctions exposure. In the worst-case scenario, this can result in penalties or criminal proceedings. Verifying a business or client during onboarding will reduce these risks and avoid harming the reputation and integrity of your brand.

Advantages of Using

Leverage ArriTech KYB solutions to reduce costs while
growing your business.

KYB Verification for 180+ Countries

Global KYB solution

Global KYB solution

  • Global compliance
  • Access to KYB online platform
Manual and Automated KYB

Manual and Automated KYB

  • Access to global databases
  • Access to ArriTech API
White-label KYB

White-label KYB

  • Enhanced data security
  • 24/7 Operations

Your Benefits

Improve client  

Improve client acquisition

  • Reduce costs by outsourcing
  • Achieve 100% match rates with manual and automated KYB
Achieve & stay compliant

Achieve & stay compliant

  • Efficient Fraud Detection
  • Increase global footprint
Flexible solution to  
match your business  

Flexible solution to match your business needs

  • Leverage vast data libraries
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Discover ArriTech Solutions
for Business Verification

Approach and solve any business verification challenge confidently.

QGen Online

QGen Online

An end-to-end solution for your business verification needs. Our online platform will improve your operations and reduce costs - from checks to screening and ongoing monitoring.

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Case Management

Case Management

Cover all your business verification needs - investigate, report, and solve compliance tasks through one solution.

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Screening and Monitoring

Screening and Monitoring

Protect your business by efficiently preventing financial crime and resolving false positives with screening, risk management and ongoing monitoring of individuals.

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User Verification

User Verification

Our automated and manual KYC approach ensures 100% match rates for smooth onboarding and global compliance.

Managed Business Services

Managed Business Services

Outsource the responsibility of KYB workflows to improve your operations while reducing costs.

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ArriTech provides consultation on all aspects of KYB - assisting with implementing processes to ensure compliance in different jurisdictions.

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Any Industry, Anywhere

Achieve compliance, mitigate risks, and improve client
onboarding across all industries worldwide.



Scale your growth without exposing your business to fraud and compliance risks - onboarding verification, AML screening and monitoring, and managing cases through QGen Online.


B2B Industries

Streamline B2B onboarding by improving due diligence processes, understanding regulatory requirements, and monitoring risks associated with each customer.



Always know your customers to stay compliant, prevent criminal activity, detect fraud and avoid reputational damage in the competitive iGaming industry.



Improve customer onboarding and financial services without compromising fraud detection and crucial regulatory compliance.



Reduce dropoffs during onboarding and stay compliant in the changing crypto ecosystem - fight fraud, remove friction, and reassure users.


Corporate Service Providers

Protect your company from bad actors and comply with local AML/CFT laws while providing clients with business functions and support activities.



Improve your business by implementing AML/CFT procedures, KYB and KYC-compliant onboarding, and risk management with one solution.


Real Estate

Improve your services by improving internal control and monitoring to reduce risks of fines and liabilities stemming from third parties.

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Ready To Get in Control of Your Business Compliance Needs?

Our KYB and KYC experts are available to discuss your requirements, answer
questions, and set up a demo of our tools and software.

Frequently Asked Questions