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Know Your Customer (KYC) Verification

Fast-track your customer
onboarding, detect fraud and
cut costs with ArriTech.

 Enhance KYC and AML/CFT compliance: 100% match rates, convenience, and cost-effectiveness.

Talk to our experts

Stay KYC Compliant

With ArriTech

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Automated KYC and manual verification to ensure 100% match rates

KYC is non-negotiable; onboarding is critical in verifying customer identity and conducting due diligence. Thanks to our combination of automated KYC and manual verification, we can ensure 100% match rates where automated processes fail - whether you need Proof of identity(POI), Proof of Address (POA), AML name screening for: sanctions, politically exposed persons(PEPs), adverse media and ongoing monitoring for the same.

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Meet global KYC compliance needs and expand your footprint.

Run KYC workflows to meet KYC and AML regulations according to your business's risk tolerance and local regulatory needs. Due to our capacity to carry out manual verification, we can handle many document types in most jurisdictions.

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Reduce costs through automation and outsourcing.

Staying compliant in an increasingly more complex regulatory landscape does not have to add to your operational costs. While most KYC solutions are automated, our hybrid approach can handle checks in seconds and save time and costs in cases where human verification is needed.

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All data is securely transmitted and stored.

Lean into ArriTech's proven expertise to reduce risk and friction and grow your business while maintaining customer trust.

How ArriTech Can Help
Your Business

Leverage ArriTech KYB solutions to reduce costs while growing your business.

KYС Verification for 180+ Countries

Global KYC solution

Global KYC solution

  • Global compliance
  • Access to KYC online platform
White-label KYC

White-label KYC

  • Strong data security
  • 24/7 Operations
Manual and Automated KYC

Manual and Automated KYC

  • Access to global databases
  • Access to ArriTech API

Benefits of Using ArriTech Identity Verification Solutions

Improve client acquisition

Improve client acquisition

  • Onboard clients faster
  • Reduce costs by outsourcing
Achieve 100% match rates with manual and automated KYC

Achieve 100% match rates with manual and automated KYC

  • Achieve & stay compliant
  • Increase global footprint
Flexible solution to match your business needs

Flexible solution to match your business needs

  • Leverage vast data libraries
  • Efficient Fraud Detection
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Discover ArriTech Solutions
for KYC Identity Verification

Approach and solve any identity verification challenge confidently.

QGen Online

QGen Online

An end-to-end solution for your identity verification needs. Our online platform will improve your operations and reduce costs - from checks to screening and ongoing monitoring.

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KYC Solutions

KYC Solutions

Cover all your identity verification needs - investigate, report, and solve compliance tasks through one solution.

Screening and Monitoring

Screening and Monitoring

Protect your business by efficiently preventing financial crime and resolving false positives with screening, risk management and ongoing monitoring of individuals.

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Business Verification

Business Verification

Gain complete insight into potential customers and clients through our international databases, allowing you to onboard business everywhere while staying compliant.

Managed Business Services

Managed Business Services

Outsource the responsibility of KYC workflows to improve your operations while reducing costs.

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ArriTech provides consultation on all aspects of KYC - assisting with implementing processes to ensure compliance in different jurisdictions.

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Any Industry, Anywhere

Achieve and stay compliant, reduce fraud and build trust
across all industries worldwide.



Scale your growth without exposing your business to fraud and compliance risks - onboarding verification, AML screening and monitoring, and managing cases through QGen Online.



Improve customer onboarding and financial services without compromising fraud detection and crucial regulatory compliance.


Payment Providers & EMI

Risk management solutions to address all KYC requirements relating to vendors and customers, including aspects of merchant acquiring and payment services.



Always know your customers to stay compliant, prevent criminal activity, detect fraud and avoid reputational damage in the competitive iGaming industry.



Reduce dropoffs during onboarding and stay compliant in the changing crypto ecosystem - fight fraud, remove friction, and reassure users.


Corporate Service Providers

Protect your company from bad actors and comply with local AML/CFT laws while providing clients with business functions and support activities.



Improve the efficiency of your business by implementing AML/CFT procedures, KYC-compliant onboarding, and risk management with one solution.


Real Estate

Improve your services by improving internal control and monitoring to reduce risks of fines and liabilities stemming from third parties.

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Ready To Get in Control of Your KYC Compliance Needs?

Our KYC experts are available to discuss your requirements, answer
questions, and set up a demo of our tools and software

Frequently Asked Questions