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All you need to know about KYC/AML compliance and regulatory demands.

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Why KYC is Important in Online Gambling

Know Your Customer, commonly known as KYC, is a set of checks that verify customers to guard against financial crime. KYC is a regulatory requirement in

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KYC for the iGaming Sector

Know Your Customer (KYC) compliance programs are a regulatory requirement in the iGaming industry to safeguard against risk. Fake user profiles and the illicit laundering of

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Start-Ups and Rapid Growth

Investing in the necessary evil. It is so difficult to start; the world is full of great businesses being put on pedestals as great tokens of success. Apple’s cool gadgets making billions and gazillions….Facebook’s ability to inform and misguide the world with “friends updates” and some rather trendy “fake news”. Google’s super algorithms than can do anything and find whatever you want, subject to being bombarded with marketing, spam and having your life read and interpreted for marketing purposes (did we say you have to accept cookies to read this?).

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KYC and KYB Managed Services

QGEN can be your compliance concierge partner from planning right through to execution. What does it really mean ‘to outsource your KYC/KYB and have it offered as a managed service…’? It should mean that you have undergone a rationalised thought process where your conclusion is “I NEED THE BEST HELP I CAN HAVE FOR MY BUSINESS”.

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The Mind of a Fraudster

Audit your processes before it is too late; you might be over exposed. Blink!!….still there? If the answer is no, well that is how usually Fraud works. Fraud has to do with chances and weaknesses in controls to reflect the true state of something….there are a huge number and types of frauds, with unfortunately internal being the one that hits you the hardest, as it questions the trust you would have placed in your own people…

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Are AML (Anti Money Laundering) and CFT (Combating the Financing of Terrorism) a thing of the past decade?

The answer is a straight NO.  In this blog post we take a brief look at the history of AML. “Behind every great fortune is a

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In-house or Outsourced – the million dollar question

The two sides of the coin – perception vs. reality. Outsourcing your compliance function is not an easy decision to take at all! Traditionally many have perceived outsourcing as losing control or a last resort measure. Fear of not knowing what is going on or of experiencing potential data breaches were always at the back of one’s mind when deciding whether to outsource KYC and KYB checks.

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Effectiveness and Efficiency; a Compliance Officer Christmas Wish

A day-to-day true story. “Project 321-A has been assigned to the Conduct Division of Prudential Compliance (37th floor); just call them for an update”….Does it sound familiar? Of course not. Most Compliance Professionals do not work in a corporate environment with armies of people doing one specific job only.

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Combating money laundering and terrorist financing

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has just published its latest recommendations for combating money laundering and terrorist financing. These guidelines are used by over 180

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